What controls are in place to assure purity levels?
We start with the cleanest product that we can find, then run it through our reactors, filters, and sieves. Nothing moves to sales without running through a rigid and thorough quality control process ending with a Certificate of Analysis from our onsite gas chromatograph. We take pride in our product, which is a testament to our professionals, all from the top of their industries.
How does Cortera verify the quality of the gas?
Our motto is “Purity on Purpose” and we take it seriously. We produce an ASTM-2163 full analysis report and an ASTM-D-5623 report. These Certificates of Analysis are produced on an Agilent 7890 Gas Chromatograph employing a Flame Ionization Detector for Hydrocarbons and a Flame Photometric Detector for Sulfurs. Our Chemist Rami Rodriguez formerly headed Gas Chromatography for SPL Labs, the largest analysis lab for oil and gas in the region.
Where is Cortera?
Cortera’s processing facility is in El Campo, Texas.